# 我的囤货清单 #乐金记樂香粉漢館場, I have always liked this brand of bread, and this time I bought a whole box of this more affordable. The milk is full of fragrance, not sweet and very soft. It is the best choice for snacks and breakfast. Children can eat three or four at a time, but it is not enough. Each stick is individually packaged, and it is very convenient to take one at any time when you are hungry.
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# 我的囤货清单 #乐锦记奶香原味手撕面包棒,一直都很喜欢这牌子的面包,这次买了一整箱的这种更实惠。奶香味十足,不甜很松软,当点心、早餐都是最佳的选择,小孩一次都可以吃掉三四根都嫌不够吃。每根都是独立包装,饿了随时拿一根,非常方便。