# 我的囤货清单 # The Ranli handmade tiger skin cake purchased from Yamibuy is soft and delicious! I bought this Ranli tiger skin cake from Yami before, and the children at home were full of praise after eating it! The double-layered flavor, as well as the lactic acid bacteria sandwich, tastes sweet. The taste is soft and soft, let alone a child, even an old mother wants to eat it with her baby! This time I saw that it was in stock, so I quickly stocked up a few more packs, because it was so delicious, so it was so popular! Be sure to stock up on the next replenishment~
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# 我的囤货清单 # 从亚米购入的然利手工虎皮蛋糕,软软绵绵,太好吃啦! 之前就从亚米购入过这款然利虎皮蛋糕,家里的小朋友们吃过之后赞不绝口!双层口味,还有乳酸菌夹心,味道甜美。口感又是软软绵绵,别说是小朋友了,连老母亲都想跟娃抢着吃! 这次看到有货,赶紧多囤了几包,因为太好吃,所以太抢手啦!下次补货,一定要再囤点~