# 我的囤货清单 # I ran out of marinade at home Started this Chuanwazi that is often out of stock on Yami There are five small sachets in one big bag Every packet is heavy and feels very filling Has a strong spice taste Super convenient to use Just wash the meat and put it in the pot Add a marinade bag, add some light soy sauce and salt Three-piece set with onion, ginger and garlic Pressure cooker for 40 minutes The taste is still very fragrant, and the spices are still very powerful The only downside is There is a faint smell of traditional Chinese medicine in the spices 😦 Friends who don't like the taste of Chinese medicine need to bypass it
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# 我的囤货清单 # 家里的卤料用完了 入手了这款亚米上经常缺货的川娃子 一大包里面有五小包卤料包 每小包都沉甸甸的 感觉料很足 有很重的香料味道 使用的时候超级方便 只需要把肉类洗净 放入锅内 加上一个卤料包 加点生抽和盐 外加葱姜蒜三件套 压力锅压四十分钟即可 味道还是很香的 搭配好的香料还是很给力的 唯一的缺点是 香料中隐隐透出了一丢丢中药的味道😦 不喜欢中药味道的朋友们需要绕过它了