# 我的囤货清单 # Unlimited repurchase of breakfast pancakes! Meat muffins still have to be bought in the whole box to be addicting! And take advantage of the Friday spike, you can get a whole box of 15 cookies for $4.99! Yami's activities should still be followed frequently~ The salty, salty and sweet taste is really to my liking, and the mouthful of meat floss is also super satisfying 😆 For breakfast or afternoon tea, come with a cup of hot milk tea or hot coffee ☕️ What a comfortable word~
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# 我的囤货清单 # 无限回购的早餐饼! 肉松饼还是要整盒买才够瘾!而且趁着周五秒杀时,$4.99就可以get一整盒,15个饼!亚米的活动还是要经常关注呀~ 咸咸甜甜的口感真的太合我心意了,而且满口的肉松也超令人满足的😆早餐或下午茶来一个配一杯热奶茶或者热咖啡☕️怎一个惬字可言~