# 我的囤货清单 # After I came to the United States, I couldn't cook and I was forced to learn how to cook, but seasonings are indeed indispensable. This time I stocked up the flavored braised pork cooking seasonings, which are said to be especially suitable for braised pork, braised chicken nuggets, and braised beef. There are salt, sugar, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, star anise and other ingredients suitable for braised braised. It looks good!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 来了美国以后不会做饭也被逼着学的会做饭了,但是调料确是不可少的。这次囤货了味加味的红烧肉烹饪调料,据说特别适用于做红烧肉、红烧鸡块、红烧牛肉那些,里面有盐,糖,酱油,味精,八角茴香这些各种适合做红烧的配料。看着就很不错!