# 我的囤货清单 # I can’t stop snacks at home, so I bought Jinzai Shredded Vegetarian Meat from Yami, another spicy snack that soy product lovers will love~ This Jinzai Shredded Vegetarian Meat is individually packaged in a box of 20 packs, each pack is 23 grams, and Yami's price is $5.99, which is large and affordable. This hand-shredded vegetarian meat has both tenderness and flexibility in taste, and it does have a meat-eating taste. This Korean BBQ taste is mildly spicy, with a little sweetness in the spiciness. It is suitable for a player like me who wants to eat spicy food but is not very good at it. I personally like it!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 家里零食不能断,从亚米购入了劲仔手撕素肉,又是一款豆制品爱好者会喜欢的辣味小零食~ 这款劲仔手撕素肉一盒20包独立包装,每包23克,亚米售价$5.99,量大实惠。 这款手撕素肉口感上兼顾了软嫩和柔韧,确实有种吃肉的口感。这款韩式烧烤味是微辣的,辣中还有点甜,适合我这种想吃辣又不太能吃辣的选手。 我个人挺喜欢!