# 我的囤货清单 # The especially delicate and lovely Japanese EITARO Rongtailou's combination candy is worth buying! This is said to be a very famous brand in Japan. It has a history of more than 100 years. There are three different boxes of candy in this box, prune candy + brown sugar + matcha candy. It is a must-buy souvenir for many people in Japan. It is really delicious and looks great. High, love it!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 特别精致可爱的日本EITARO荣太楼的组合糖很值得买!这是据说日本特别有名的品牌,超过百年历史,这一盒里面有三盒不同的糖,梅干糖+黑糖+抹茶糖,是很多人日本必买伴手礼,真的好吃,颜值也是超高,喜欢!