#我的囤货清单 #巴dog fresh food screw powder A fast food newly added to the stocking list. It smells very stinky, it can be smelled before opening the package, but it doesn't taste like snail powder. The sour bamboo shoots are not very sour, the ingredients are salty and fragrant, and the powder is strong. Add some vegetables braised duck wings, perfect
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# 我的囤货清单 #巴狗鲜食螺丝粉 新加入囤货清单的一款速食。闻着很臭,还没拆包装就能闻到的臭,吃起来倒没有螺蛳粉的臭味。酸笋不是很酸,料包咸香,粉劲道。加点蔬菜卤鸭翅,完美