# 我的囤货清单 # When cooking sauerkraut fish or cooking many dishes, you need to sprinkle a little white sesame seeds for fragrance, so you should always stock up on white sesame seeds at home. This time, I stocked up on home-made organic white sesame seeds. Yami did a search and found that this is the most cost-effective one. A bag of 454g is only $4.99, and it is organic, non-GMO white sesame seeds, USDA certified, safe and secure, and does not contain preservatives. It does not contain additives and can be eaten raw or as an accessory when cooking. Popular products that are often out of stock!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 做酸菜鱼或者做很多菜的时候需要撒上一点白芝麻起香,所以家里要常常囤一点白芝麻。这次囤货了家乡味特选有机白芝麻,亚米搜了一圈发现这个的性价比最高,一袋454g才$4.99,而且是有机的,非转基因的白芝麻,USDA认证安全放心,不含防腐剂,不含添加剂,可以生吃也可以做菜的时候做辅料。经常断货的热销产品!