# 我的囤货清单 # The sunflower hawthorn cake that I stocked up on is exactly the same as the hawthorn slices I ate when I was a child. It really is exactly the same as I remember. When I was a child, I liked to buy this hawthorn slice the most. I opened a small bag and threw it into my mouth one by one. I was very happy to eat it, sweet and sour, especially when I was sick, I wanted to eat this, full of happiness!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 囤货的向阳花山楂饼,是因为完全就是小时候吃的山楂片的模样呀,真的是和记忆中的一模一样。小时候最喜欢买这个山楂片了,一小袋打开一片一片的往嘴里扔,吃的特别开心,酸酸甜甜,尤其是生病的时候特别想吃这个,满满的幸福感!