# 我的囤货清单 #Shaqima is the love of our whole family. After practicing with Liu Genghong in the morning, I will not be hungry, but after an hour, wow, I am dizzy and dizzy. At this time, I need a little quick sugar to add a small piece of Shaqima. Just right. Or a small package of small desserts after a meal, this meal will also feel very complete. Don't think that these packages are posed differently, this is the holy "ma" that I only use to make up the order.
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# 我的囤货清单 #沙琪玛是我们全家的爱,早上跟练刘畊宏以后并不会饿,但是一小时后,哇,饿的头晕眼花,这个时候就要一点快糖补充,一小块沙琪玛就刚刚好。或者是饭后来一小包小小的甜品,这顿饭也会感觉吃的很圆满。不要以为这几包是不同摆拍哦,这可是我三单单单用来凑单的圣“玛”