# 我的囤货清单 # Japanese bolu dream, crispy wafer white chocolate chunks, so delicious that I think the design of the zipper bag is superfluous, because it can be eaten easily at one time. The outer skin of white chocolate is filled with crispy wafer biscuits, which are rich in layers, with a rich and solid taste, as well as a crispy and delicious heart. It is a perfect match. Bo Lumeng's products can be entered blindly, so there is no regret.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 日本波路夢,酥脆威化白巧克力塊,好吃到我覺得夾鏈袋的設計是多餘的,因為一次就能輕鬆吃完。 白巧克力的外皮,裡面是酥到掉渣的威化餅乾,層次豐富,口感兼具濃郁扎實的白巧,以及酥鬆可口的內心,絕配。波路夢的產品果然都可以盲入,就沒有吃了後悔的。