# 我的囤货清单 # Want Want Cheese Biscuits are two very different biscuits from Snow Biscuits. The texture of this one is very crisp. It is a very light and airy biscuit. There is a layer of cheese powder on the outside, which is fragrant. As soon as you eat it, you can taste the rich aroma of cheese, but it is not too much. It is a delicious and light cookie.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 旺旺芝士餅,跟雪餅還是非常不同的兩種餅乾,這個的質地很酥,是很輕很有空氣感的餅乾,有點類似嬰兒吃的那種米餅,入口即化。外面一層芝士粉,香香的,剛吃進嘴裡就能吃到芝士濃郁的香味,不過不會太過頭,很好吃且輕盈的小餅乾。