# 我的囤货清单 # This kind of fish is amazing. After drying, it has such a strong and attractive aroma. It is not difficult to eat, and it can release the aroma better. Every time I cook miso soup, I always have to add some finishing touches at the end. It can also be sprinkled on dishes such as okonomiyaki, and it is slightly rolled up with the heat of the food, as if the bonito flakes are dancing.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 柴魚這種魚就很神奇,乾燥處理後,竟然有那麼濃郁誘人的香氣,刨成薄片花,既不會難以入口,又能更好的釋出香味。每次煮味增湯,最後總要畫龍點睛的來一些點綴。做大阪燒之類的料理也能撒一點,伴隨食物熱氣微微捲起,彷彿柴魚片在跳舞。