# 我的囤货清单 # Buy one get one free for 8 boxes and free shipping directly. Wow cack cack. It's a big pack, so it's thick and thick. I don't add sugar or honey, I just brew a cup with Liu Genghong after dancing, and I won't feel burdened. One sachet a day, can also be brewed directly with hot soy milk. Although our mother-in-law did not eat this, she has been eating all kinds of nuts and grains for decades. She is 82 years old, with a straight waist and quick movements, so everyone must insist on eating it. It is useless to eat for a few months. . There is also a small tip, such as this kind of dry powder actually has a long shelf life, of course, it does not mean that it will not be bad for a lifetime. It is recommended to store it for a long time and freeze it at -20C. It will be no problem for one year.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 买一送一囤了八盒直接包邮。哇咔咔咔。很大一包,所以浓浓的稠稠的。我不添加糖和蜂蜜的,就是跟跳完刘畊宏以后直接冲泡一杯,不会感觉有负担。每天一包,也可以用热豆浆直接冲泡。我们家的婆婆虽然没吃这个,但是几十年了一直坚持吃各种坚果各种谷物,82岁了,腰杆笔直,动作利索,所以大家一定要坚持吃,吃几个月是没用的。还有一个小窍门,像是这种干粉其实保质期很长的,当然也不是说一辈子放不坏,建议长期保存可以冷冻在-20C,一年肯定没问题,再不放心,-80C,哈哈哈