# 我的囤货清单 # Amway, a friend of mine, said that the stewed soup with sour radish and old duck is very delicious, so what are you waiting for? It looks very simple, just put the duck and the radish bag in it and boil it, then add the seasoning bag and simmer for two hours. The comments say that not only can stew duck, but also stew pork ribs. Listen to Looking very good!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 被小伙伴安利了好人家酸萝卜老鸭炖汤料,说是非常美味,那还等什么,赶紧囤一包吧,等着买只鸭子回来就开整。看着挺简单的,就是把鸭子和这里面的萝卜包放到一起烧开以后,再加入调料包炖两个小时就好了,评论里说,不仅可以炖鸭子,炖排骨也是杠杠的,听着很不错啊!