# 我的囤货清单 # I think I may be a hoarder. When I see discounted or uneaten brands, I can’t help but want to stock up. I already have a lot of red dates at home, but I saw this Sihong Xinjiang jujube. It looks pretty good, and I haven't eaten it before, so I couldn't help but stock up on a pack, 1000g is an extra large pack, comforting myself and saying that anyway, jujubes are eaten fast, and eating more is good for your health, haha!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 我觉得我可能是个囤货狂吧,看到有打折的,或者是没吃过的品牌,我就忍不住想囤一点,家里已经有了不少红枣,可是看到这个思宏新疆大枣挺好的样子,也没吃过,还是忍不住囤了一包,1000g超大一包,安慰自己说,反正枣子吃的快,多吃一点对身体好,哈哈!