# 我的囤货清单 # Thai MAMA Tom Yum Kung Shrimp Flavored Instant Noodles in Hot and Sour Soup has a spicy and sour taste, which makes it very different from other instant noodles. It's just that one small packet is not enough. You have to cook two packets every time or add noodles and toppings yourself to enjoy it!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 泰國MAMA冬陰功酸辣濃湯蝦味方便面,酸酸辣辣的口味,讓它與其他方便面十分與眾不同,湯頭濃郁,湯底喝起來特別美味,酸中帶點鮮的感覺。就是小小一包不夠吃啊,每次都得煮兩包或是自己加面加料才過癮!