# 我的囤货清单 # Although rock candy is also sugar, if you have white sugar, you still have to prepare another rock candy. When making some beverage desserts, I often put some rock sugar. However, the most used place is actually braised pork. Adding a spoonful of rock sugar can not only improve the freshness, bring out a little sweetness, but also give a good layer to the meat. The bright color, such as pig feet, is stewed with rock sugar, and the color first makes people move the index finger.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 冰糖雖然也是糖,但是有了白糖還是得再備個冰糖,誰叫人家作用不太相同呢!做一些飲品類的甜點時,常常會放點冰糖,然而用的最多的地方其實是滷肉,加一勺冰糖,不但能提鮮,帶出點甜味,還能很好的給肉上一層亮晶晶的色澤,比如豬腳,有加冰糖一起燉煮,顏色就先讓人食指大動。