# 我的囤货清单 # I still remember when I was in school, I especially liked to have a bag of crispy noodles with my classmates as a late night snack. It was a very good memory! So stocking up this Taiwanese unified little raccoon noodles is mostly because of this good memory! Of course, the crispy noodles themselves are also delicious, and the barbecue taste is very good!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 还记得上学的时候下了晚自习特别喜欢和同学一人一包干脆面当夜宵,非常美好的回忆!所以囤货这个台湾统一 小浣熊干脆面多半是因为这份美好的回忆!当然干脆面本身也是很好吃,烤肉味很不错!