# 我的囤货清单 # With this, everyone can become a chef. Super easy curry recipes at your fingertips. The method is very simple. First fry the meat you need and put it in water to boil. After cooking for about 10 minutes, add the side dishes, cook for a few more minutes, turn off the heat, and add the curry cubes. Stir well and cook for 1 minute. I think it is more suitable for people who like spicy food.
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# 我的囤货清单 # 有了这个人人都可以变大厨啊。超级简单的咖喱料理信手拈来。做法很简单,先把需要的肉炒一下放入水煮开,煮大概10分钟后,加入配菜,再煮几分钟,关火,加入咖喱块。搅拌均匀,开火煮1分钟就可以啦。中辣味我觉得比较适合喜欢吃辣的人。