# 我的囤货清单 # Red bean paste is a good thing, not to mention nourishing blood and qi, it is really delicious, when my mother used to make red bean paste, I always wanted to steal it, I couldn't help it! And red bean paste can be used to make eight-treasure rice, can be used to wrap bean paste dumplings, can be used to wrap bean paste dumplings, and can be used as an ice drink in summer. There are many uses. It's okay to stock up on some red bean paste, what do you want to eat! I stocked up on the Japanese SHIRAKIKU red bean paste, the coarse particles are suitable for making rice dumplings and the like, very good!
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# 我的囤货清单 # 红豆沙可是好东西,补血补气就不说了,是真的好吃,以前我妈做红豆沙的时候我一直想偷吃,忍不住啊!而且红豆沙可以用来做八宝饭,可以用来包豆沙粽子,可以包豆沙汤圆,可以做夏天的冰饮、用途可多啦。没事囤一点红豆沙,想吃什么做什么!囤货了日本SHIRAKIKU 红豆沙,粗颗粒适合包粽子之类,非常好!