# 入夏必备 # I have always been planted with Grass Dijia Ting Blue Pill Deep Moisturizing and Moisturizing Mask. When I bought it, I found out that there is also this Silver Pill Black Bamboo Charcoal Pore Shrinking Cleansing Mask. I wanted to try it, and it turned out to be really good👍 This Silver Pill Cleansing Mask comes in a box of 5 individually wrapped. To use after cleansing, you need to remove the mask paper and apply the mask on your face for 10-20 minutes. In the process of applying, there will be a lot of small white bubbles on the mask, so cute~ After use, although it is not an immediate cleaning improvement effect, the overall feeling is very refreshing. It doesn't dry out your face, and it has a moisturizing effect. Personally like it!
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# 入夏必备 # 之前一直都被种草蒂佳婷蓝色药丸深层补水保湿面膜,买的时候发现还有这款银药丸黑竹炭毛孔收缩洁面面膜,想着试一试,结果发现真不错👍 这款银药丸清洁面膜一盒5片,独立包装。在洁面后使用,需要去除面膜纸,再把面膜上脸敷10-20分钟。在敷的过程中,面膜上会浮出好多白色小泡泡,可可爱爱~ 使用后,虽然也不是立竿见影的清洁改善效果,但是感觉整体很清爽。并且脸上也不会拔干,还有滋润保湿的效果。个人特别喜欢!