# 入夏必备 # Japan ORIHIRO Konjac Jelly has a new flavor. I really like their jelly so much. So when I see new flavors. It's all in again. Let's try cantaloupe first 🍈 It is said to be a cantaloupe from Hokkaido. thirsty thirsty. It tastes similar to American cantaloupe. Hahahaha The taste cannot be said to be amazing. But at least it's delicious. Compared with the peach and mango flavor, it is inferior. The way to eat is to tear it apart. Gently squeeze it. The slippery pulp inside came out. Bouncy. Also chewy. Contains 5% fruit juice.
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# 入夏必备 # 日本ORIHIRO蒟蒻果凍有新口味啦. 我真的太喜欢它们家的果冻了. 所以一看见上新新口味. 里面又all in了. 先来试试哈密瓜🍈 介绍说是北海道的哈密瓜. 馋了馋. 和美国的哈密瓜味差不多.哈哈哈哈 味道不能说很惊艳. 但是起码是好吃. 和水蜜桃.芒果味比起来的话就逊色了些. 吃法是只有撕开.轻轻一挤. 里面滑溜溜的果肉就出来了. 有弹性.也很有嚼劲. 含有5%的果汁.