# 入夏必备 # Keep sharing Japanese ORIHIRO Konjac Jelly. This article is talking about the lemon 🍋 flavor. I thought jelly no matter what. All flavors are sweet. I didn't expect it to be as sour as a lemon. Although I usually drink water, I like lemons. But eating lemon flavor as jelly is a little off to my liking. But it didn't say it was bad. Still swallowed well. But I wouldn't want to repurchase this flavor. But it's full of satiety. I don't feel hungry after eating 3 packs. Arrange for weight loss in summer.
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# 入夏必备 # 继续分享日本ORIHIRO蒟蒻果凍. 这篇聊的是柠檬🍋口味. 我以为果冻不管怎么样.什么口味都是甜的. 没想到还真的和柠檬一样酸酸的. 虽然我平常喝水也喜欢放柠檬. 但是把柠檬味当做果冻来吃有点不合我胃口了. 不过没有说难吃啦. 还是很好下咽的. 只不过应该不会想回购这口味. 不过饱腹感很足. 吃3包就不觉得饿了. 夏天减肥安排起来.