# 入夏必备 # I'm a coffee lover, and I can't do without the blessing of iced coffee in summer. In addition to homemade coffee, The refrigerator is also stocked with a variety of iced coffee drinks all year round. It is convenient to have a can in hand when you go out. Lotte Coffee was originally a random selection. $0.99 is not expensive, Occasionally there will be discounts for "coffee cabbage" Although the portion is a bit small, But 60 calories is not high, Much less guilt than a super cup of iced coffee, Suitable for those who like to drink coffee. Korean coffee tastes sweeter. Lotte coffee is somewhat similar to brewed Nescafé. It's easier than making coffee, Easy to carry. It tastes smoother when chilled. It's a piece of cake.
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# 入夏必备 # 咖啡控的我夏天离不开冰咖加持, 除了自制咖啡之外, 冰箱也常年囤着各种冰咖饮料, 方便外出时随手拿一罐在手。 乐天咖啡原本是凑单随手选的, $0.99价格不贵, 偶尔还会有折扣算是“咖啡白菜” 虽然份量有点小, 但热量60卡不高, 比起超大杯冰咖罪恶感低很多, 适合喜欢小酌咖啡的爱好者。 韩式咖啡口感都比较偏甜, 乐天咖啡和冲调好的雀巢咖啡有点相似, 胜在比冲调咖啡更简单、 携带方便。 冰镇后口感更丝滑。 是个凑单佳品。