# 入夏必备 # The mask that was sprouted just by looking at the packaging, Recommended by a pregnant mother friend to plant the mask, It is said to be fragrance-free, alcohol-free, and no 11 harmful ingredients added. A mild mask with basically no ingredients that pregnant women should use with caution, A mask that even pregnant women can use It's reassuring to hear, Then it must be arranged! This surprised baby's mask focuses on lightening and whitening, purifying moisturizing, The mask material is different from ordinary masks. It is like a medical gauze material, It is very comfortable to put on the face, The essence is white yogurt texture, Very moisturizing and moisturizing. Surprised baby, this light spot purifying mask feels very good to use, Ready to repurchase to collect other three baby expression pack masks, Will continue to update the sense of use in the future.
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# 入夏必备 # 看包装就被萌化了的面膜, 被一个孕妈朋友推荐所种草的面膜, 说是无香精、无酒精、不添加11种有害成分, 基本无孕妇慎用成分的温和面膜, 既然连孕妇都可以用的面膜 听着就让人感觉很放心, 那就必须安排用起来! 这个惊讶宝宝的面膜主打淡斑美白, 净化保湿, 面膜材质和普通面膜不一样, 是像医用纱布材质, 敷在脸上很舒服, 精华液是白色酸奶质地, 很滋润,保湿补水效果很棒。 惊讶宝宝这款淡斑净化面膜使用感很赞, 准备回购收集其他三款宝宝表情包面膜, 以后会继续更新使用感。