# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Because of the event price, I bought it and tried it, but the cover is a bit ugly 😆😆 But it's delicious! With a variety of ingredients is very rich! It doesn't look like spicy oil, but it's actually quite spicy! Various brands of snail noodles are stocked at home🤭👍
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 因为活动价所以买来试试,就是封面有点丑😆😆 但挺好吃的啊!加上各种配料很丰富! 看着没什么辣油,但其实挺辣的! 各种牌子的螺蛳粉都是家中囤货🤭👍