# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Beans Gaobeidian spiced tofu. It's really convenient. As shown in Figure 3, in fact, each top is not completely cut, and when you take it, take it one by one. My family does not eat a lot each time, 1 stick is exactly the amount of Korean bibimbap for 2 people, and 2 sticks of fried pork and fried peppers are just right for 1-2 meals. Like their dried tofu, they are unseasoned and delicious. It's so hard to buy shredded dried tofu in the US, and I'm so happy that Yami can sell it. The shelf life of this bag is not long, about half a year (I feel that the shelf life of domestic products is very short). After opening the bag, because I couldn’t eat it all, I froze the remaining half, and I can eat it later. (12)
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 憨豆 高碑店五香豆腐丝 。真的很方便,图3那样,实际上每个上面都没有完全切开,拿的时候一条一条的拿。我家每次吃的量都不多,1条刚好是2个人1顿的韩式拌饭量,2条炒肉炒辣椒吃1-2顿也刚刚好。和他家豆腐干一样,都是没有调味的,很好吃。在美国买干豆腐丝太难了,亚米能卖我太开心了。这一袋子的保质期不长,大概半年(感觉国产的东西保质期都很短),开封后因为吃不完,剩下的一半我就冻上了,以后可以接着吃。(12)