# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Kyushu Kurume Ramen, Cannon Tonbone Ramen, Half Raw Noodles, 1 serving. The packaging is not good, the plastic is thin. The noodles inside are similar to the Hakata ramen I recommended earlier, and they are cooked in a few dips. The same is true, just rinse the pork bone soup with hot water. I don't have the same taste as Dai Bin's. Dai Bin prefers the flavor of Hakata, and I prefer this one. This one has some more garlic and umami from the chicken broth ramen (it's actually tonkotsu ramen). This soup tastes better, but with noodles, the overall taste will be lighter. There are also crushed peanuts in the ingredient package. Personally, I recommend not to put them in. It will interfere with the overall taste and add to the effect. This time, I ate it with bean sprouts, fried fungus, Japanese barbecue pork and Japanese soft-hearted eggs. It tasted like the one in the store. 8 yuan per pack for 1 person, in fact, add some noodles yourself, pick a conical bowl like ramen (so you don’t need a lot of soup), this portion can also be eaten by 2 people. In general, this is recommended. After all, Hakata's 3 servings will cost 36. (16)
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 九州久留米拉面 大炮猪骨拉面 半生面 1人份。包装不出彩,塑料薄薄的。里面的面条和我之前推荐的博多拉面差不多,也是下水几下就熟了。做法也一样,猪骨汤宝拿热水冲一下就行。我跟戴斌口味不太一样,呆斌更喜欢博多那款的味儿,我更喜欢这款的味儿。这款多了一些蒜味和鸡汤拉面的鲜味(实际上确实是豚骨拉面)。 这款汤要更好喝一些,不过配面条吃会感觉整体的味道更淡。配料包里还有花生碎,个人建议不要放,会干扰整体的味道,画蛇添足。这次我是陪着豆芽、炒木耳、日式叉烧和日式溏心蛋吃的,非常有店里那个味儿了。8块钱1包1人量,其实自己加点面,挑个拉面那种锥形的碗(这样就不用很多汤了),这一份也可以2人吃一顿了。综合来说这款是推荐的吧,毕竟博多那个3人份就得36。(16)