# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Japan ORIHIRO Low Calorie Slimming Konjac Jelly Apple Flavor 130g. The place for tag search is really not good, this apple can't be found, obviously orange can be found. I'll bring whatever I find. I don't think I would buy this kind of thing in Yachao, but I suddenly wanted to buy it when I put it in Yami Shangxin. Is this the charm of online shopping.... But to be honest, it doesn't taste good. The result of low calorie is using something weird instead of sugar, a plastic fake sugar smell.. I won't buy this brand of sucking jelly again. (twenty three)
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 日本ORIHIRO 低卡纤体蒟蒻果冻 苹果味 130g。tag搜索的地方真的做的不好,这个苹果的也搜不出来,明明橙子的能搜出来。搜出来啥我就带啥吧。这种东西放在亚超估计我也不会买,不过亚米上新里面放了就忽然很想买。这就是网购的魅力吗....不过说句实话,不好喝。低卡的结果就是用了什么奇怪的东西代替糖,一股塑料味的假糖味..这个牌子的吸吸果冻我不会再买了。(23)