# 2022年中大促囤货指南 ## 我的囤货清单 # Henan old soup noodle Stock up in winter The noodles are wide but well cooked. It won't be rotten after a long time of cooking, it's very strong There are three packs inside Oil bag, vegetable bag and sauce bag There are some kelp, shredded tofu or something in the vegetable bag The oil bag and the sauce bag are very fresh, no need to add additional salt Pressure cooker mutton soup every time Then add some vegetables (cabbage, spinach, radish) into it Cook with the old soup noodle super delicious Come to a bowl in winter, warm heart and stomach
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 ## 我的囤货清单 # 河南老汤烩面 冬天必囤 面是宽面,但是很好煮熟。久煮也不烂 很劲道 里面带三包料 油包 蔬菜包 和酱料包 蔬菜包里面 有些海带 豆腐丝啥的 油包 酱料包 很鲜 不用额外加盐了 每次先高压锅炖羊肉汤 然后加一下蔬菜(白菜 菠菜 萝卜 都行)进去 和老汤烩面一起煮 超级好吃的 冬天来一碗 美美哒 暖心暖胃