# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Repo 1: Jizhu Dafu Baked Cold Noodles 625g. This is also something I bought 3 times, which is rare for me. This is the best Yami brand I've tried and locked in after all the brands I bought. The sauce is really delicious, and the noodles are just right. The other is that the dough is too thick or the sauce is not right. When eating this, it is strongly recommended to add extra sugar, vinegar, cumin powder and chili powder, and put it in a sealed bag and refrigerate it in the refrigerator (otherwise it will really grow hair). (31)
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 回购1:吉朱大福 烤冷面 625g。这个也是买过3次的东西,对我来说已经很少见了。这是我试过的亚米在买的所有牌子烤冷面之后锁定的最好吃的牌子。酱料真的很好吃,面也是薄薄的刚刚好。别的不是面饼太厚就是酱汁不对劲。吃这款时强烈建议额外加糖加醋加孜然粉和辣椒粉,没吃完的放到密封袋子里放到冰箱里冷藏(不然是真的会长毛)。(31)