# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Here I share the practice of eating bacon in hot pot. First soak the bacon in water to remove the salt, and then slice it. Heat the pan without putting oil, first put the fat bacon in the pan and fry it, then put all the bacon into the pan and fry slowly for about 20 minutes, put the fried bacon into the pot of the hot pot , add water and hot pot base, boil and continue to cook with low heat for about half an hour before eating. Fat but not greasy, soft and delicious bacon will definitely become the protagonist of a table of hot pot side dishes, no one
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 在这里分享一下腊肉吃火锅的做法。先用清水浸泡一下去除腊肉的盐分,然后切片。平底锅加热不用放油,先把肥一点的腊肉放在锅里煎一下,再把全部腊肉放入锅中慢慢煎炸,持续20分钟左右,将煎炸过的腊肉放入火锅的锅里,加水和火锅底料,煮沸后用小火继续煮半小时左右就可以开吃了。肥而不腻,软糯可口的腊肉,绝对会成为一桌子火锅配菜的主角,没有之一