# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # A must-have marinade for lazy people, the grilled chicken wings are the taste of the domestic New Orleans grilled chicken wings. One packet of seasoning can marinate 500g chicken wings, just add chicken wings with water one by one, stir well, marinate overnight, and bake the next day. I recommend this honey juice flavor, which is not spicy. I like to add a little soy sauce to enhance the flavor. When it is finally baked, it will be more crispy with a layer of honey water.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 懒人必备的腌制调料,烤出来的鸡翅就是国内新奥尔良烤鸡翅的味道。一包调料可以腌制500g鸡翅,只要一比一和水加入鸡翅,搅拌均匀,然后腌制过夜,第二天烤就可以了。推荐这款蜜汁味,不辣,我喜欢再加一点生抽调色增味,最后出炉的时候再刷一层蜂蜜水,会更加脆。