# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Hong Kong Lee Kum Kee sesame oil tastes pure! Fragrant! Cooking, steamed buns, and cold dishes are all inseparable from it! Every time I receive a bottled product, I would like to thank Yami's warehouse management staff by the way! Thanks to Yami’s brothers and sisters for carefully packing and shipping the bottled products ❤️
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 香港李锦记芝麻油味道纯正!香浓醇!做菜,蒸馍,拌凉菜都离不开它! 每次收到瓶装的产品都想顺便感谢一下亚米的仓库管理人员!感谢亚米的哥哥姐姐们为瓶装的产品精心的打包发货❤️