# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # This meat is fresh and moist As good as freshly grilled jerky bought at a jerky store The taste of honey is sweet and rich, and the color of dried meat is bright Smooth and no residue Three small pieces in a pack It's really delicious to eat less Resist the urge to open the next pack every time🤣
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 这款肉干新鲜湿润 和在肉干店买到的现烤肉干一样好吃 蜂蜜的味道香甜浓郁 肉干色泽油亮 口感顺滑无渣 一包里有三小片 真是少吃多滋味 每次都要忍住开下一包的冲动🤣