# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Braised Sliced Noodles with Oil Beans practice: 1. Slightly boil the noodles and set aside 2. Fry the minced meat in the pot, add the thawed and cut oil beans and stir-fry for a while, add soy sauce, oyster sauce, pepper powder, and appropriate amount of water, pour in the knife-cut noodles and mix well. Cover the pot and simmer for 2-3 minutes until the water dries up, and finally drizzle sesame oil and a little chili oil. The noodles themselves are smooth and glutinous dipped in bolognese and sauces Even a family of southerners are full of praise 😋 This knives noodle has been stocked up ever since.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 油豆角焖刀削面 做法: 1. 刀削面稍稍煮开备用 2. 锅里肉末炒开,放入解冻切断的油豆角翻炒一下,加入生抽、蠔油、胡椒粉、水适量,倒入刀削面翻拌均匀。盖上锅盖焖2-3分钟至水收干,最后淋上麻油、少许辣椒油即可。 面本身很爽滑又筋道 再蘸上了肉酱和酱汁 连一家子南方人都赞不绝口😋 从此之后 这款刀削面就一直囤起来了