# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Yami's fast food is so dazzling that people want to eat everything! The Korean yopokki fried rice cakes I bought are delicious. This one is sizzling garlic flavor. A small cup is good for breakfast or supper, but not enough for dinner! But the taste is very good, just boiled water to bubble, the rice cake is smooth and glutinous, the sauce is very fresh and fragrant, I want to repurchase!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 亚米的速食太多了,人眼花缭乱,啥都想吃!买的韩国yopokki 炒年糕很好吃,这个是铁板蒜口味,一杯小小的,当早饭或者夜宵份量不错,当正餐不够吃啊!但口味很好,开水泡泡就可以,年糕滑糯,酱汁很鲜很香,想回购!