# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # It's such a good childhood memory. Do you still remember the pleasure of spreading the material bag and holding the seal tightly and shaking it constantly? Do you still remember the small cards collected from the 108 Generals of the Water Margin, and the joy of sharing food with friends? Now the little raccoon has been seasoned, and there is no need to add their own packets, there are no small cards, and the amount seems to be less. The taste has not changed, the moment I eat it, I recall the past in a second. Although I know that the taste is mostly blended with essence, I still like it. I probably eat it with feelings 😄 So I bought it for the mid-year promotion.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 这真是童年美好回忆呀。还记得撒上料包,攥紧封口不停摇晃的那份快感吗?还记得收集的水浒传108将小卡片,还有小伙伴一起掰着分食的快乐吗?现在的小浣熊已经调过味了,不用自己加料包,小卡片也没有了,量好像也少了。味道还是没变,吃上那一刻,一秒回忆起从前。虽然知道那味道多半是香精调和而成,但仍旧喜欢,大概吃的是情怀吧😄 所以年中大促,我还是买了它。