# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The Korean-style multi-sandwiched seaweed that Yami bought, said to be a mass-selling package, and it looked like a big package. There were three small bags in it, which were of various flavors, including sesame, coconut, and brown rice. When I opened it, I was shocked. At first glance, I thought it was an empty bag. It was really only a few pieces under the bag that didn't cover the bottom of the bag. I laughed and cried 😂 Although the taste is good, the amount is really ~~~
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 亚米买的韩味多夹心海苔,说是量贩装,看着也的确是大大一包的,里面有三小袋,分别是各种不同口味,有芝麻的,有椰蓉的,还有一个糙米的,打开一看吓一跳,一眼看去以为是空袋子,真的就是只有袋子底下几片感觉都没盖住袋底,笑哭了😂虽然味道不错,但这个份量真的是~~~~