# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # The downside of Yami is that people can't stop buying it! I like eating hawthorn products very much. I bought the fruit hawthorn cake from Yimeng Commune. It is really delicious, sweet and sour, appetizing and digesting. When I have nothing to eat, I can’t help but try another hawthorn cake. The taste of hawthorn is very strong. , There is no additive feeling, I really can't stop eating it!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 亚米的坏处就是让人欲罢不能地买!很喜欢吃山楂制品,买了沂蒙公社果粒山楂糕,真的好吃,酸酸甜甜,开胃消食,没什么想吃的时候看到这个山楂糕都能忍不住再来一个,山楂味道很浓,没什么添加剂的感觉,真的吃到停不下来!