# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Lee Kum Kee's black pepper juice is really unlimited repurchase Especially when you make beef jerky yourself, you have to use half a bottle every time. This black pepper sauce is very thick, you need to wear gloves to mix well Very good deodorizing effect and body odor effect The marinated beef is particularly fragrant and delicious after roasting!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 李锦记的黑椒汁真是无限回购 特别是自己做牛肉干的时候每次都要用上半瓶 这款黑椒汁特别浓稠,要带手套才能拌匀 去腥效果和体味效果都非常好 腌制出来的牛肉烤完特别香,特别入味!