# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Lin's shop's canned bayberry is no pressure to eat a bottle at a time The bayberry is medium in size but very fresh Sweet and sour taste, soft meat If you can't eat fresh bayberry, it's not bad to have a canned one. It is often out of stock, so I have to stock up on a few more bottles every time I put it on
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 林家铺子的杨梅罐头一次吃一瓶毫无压力 杨梅大小中等,但非常新鲜 口感酸甜,肉质很软 吃不着新鲜杨梅,来个罐头解馋也不错 就是经常断货,每次一上就要多囤几瓶