# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Now the variety of drinks is really dazzling! Yami bought Master Kong's kumquat lemon, which is my favorite flavor. Both kumquat and lemon are cool and refreshing, and it's very enjoyable to drink it with ice. It's very comfortable to cool down your throat when you take a sip! A little less sweetness would be perfect!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 现在各种饮料真是让人挑花眼啊!亚米买了康师傅金桔柠檬,这是我比较喜欢的口味,金桔和柠檬都是清凉解暑的,再冰一下喝就很过瘾,一口下去喉咙清凉凉的很舒服!甜度再低一点就完美了!