# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Little friends, eat more kelp! Kelp is a highly nutritious food, iodine supplementation, in short, it is a very good thing! The instant kelp that Yami bought from the Guosheng opened the bag. It is delicious and spicy. When I go out to play and sweat a lot on a hot day, I really want to eat some salty supplements. It’s right to bring this kelp, and the small package is also special. convenient!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 小伙伴要多吃海带呀!海带可是高营养食品啊,补碘补啥的,总之是特别好的东西!亚米买的国圣开袋即食海带,很好吃的香辣味海带,大热天出去玩出汗很多的时候,很想吃点咸的补补盐分,带这个海带没错,小包装也特别方便!