# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # This cheesecake is packaged in a very delicate box. There are 5 pieces in a box, all individually packaged, half the size of a palm. The cheese flavor is very strong, you can smell it as soon as you open the package, and the sweetness is moderate. A package of 216 calories will be acceptable. If the calories are higher, I will never buy it 😄 The taste is soft and soft, still good.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 这款芝士蛋糕,包装的盒子很精致,一盒里有5块,都是独立包装,半个手掌大小。芝士味很浓郁,一开包就闻得到,甜度适中,一包216大卡,将能接受,热量再高些,就绝不会买了😄 口感绵密松软,还是不错的。