# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # This pea starch helped me realize the freedom of jelly 👏 The operation is super simple, 1. Pour starch and water in a ratio of 1:7 and mix well. 2. Bring to a boil, it is milky at first, stirring constantly. After 1-2 minutes after the water is boiled, you can see small translucent pimples. Continue to stir for about 1 minute, and the whole becomes a translucent paste. It's ready now 3. Pour it into a container, let it cool to room temperature for about half an hour, then cut into strips for later use 4. According to personal taste, add appropriate amount of soy sauce, vinegar, salt, sesame oil, sesame sauce, minced garlic, chili oil, sesame... You can also add shredded cucumber and shredded carrot Homemade jelly is done. It's appetizing and refreshing to eat this cold side dish on a hot day. It's very good. Hometown-flavored pea starch is a pack of 341g, about 50g at a time, and one pack can be eaten 6-7 times
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 这款豌豆淀粉,帮我实现了凉粉自由👏 操作超简单, 1.按1:7的比例分别倒入淀粉和水,搅匀即可 2.开火煮,刚开始是牛奶状的,不断搅拌。水开后1-2分钟后可以看到出现半透明状的小疙瘩。继续搅拌1分钟左右,整体都变成半透明状的糊糊了。这时候就熬好了 3.倒入容器中,半小时左右冷却至室温就可以切条备用了 4.根据个人口味,加入适量生抽、醋、盐、香油、麻酱、蒜末、辣油、芝麻…还可以加入黄瓜丝、胡萝卜丝 自制凉粉就完成啦,大热天吃上这款凉拌小菜,开胃又爽口,很不错哒。 家乡味的豌豆淀粉一包341g,大概一次用50g,一包能吃6-7次