# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Yami’s delicious food always sells very fast. If you taste it and think it’s delicious, if you want to buy it, it will be out of stock, and it will be a headache! Bought this Taiwan TOKO salted egg yolk sweet heart burst roll, it is really delicious, crunchy, salty and fragrant, very delicious, not too sweet, I like it very much, please replenish!
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # 亚米但凡好吃的东西总是卖的特别快,尝了尝觉得好吃再想去买就是缺货,很头痛!买了这个台湾TOKO咸蛋黄甜心爆爆卷,真的很好吃,脆脆的,夹心咸咸香香,非常可口,也不甜腻,很喜欢,求补货!