# 2022年中大促囤货指南 # Fragrant pudding mango pudding milk tea, hot and cold drink. I like the mango flavor the most. The milk tea tastes mellow, sweet but not greasy. Each cup is accompanied by a small jelly. Personally, I like cold drinks, the ice is cold and cold, and every bite brings a two-level impact on the taste buds. You can enjoy it anytime at home. Very convenient.
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# 2022年中大促囤货指南 #香飘飘芒果布丁奶茶,冷热双饮。最喜欢芒果味的,奶茶口感香醇,甜而不腻。每一杯里都有搭配一个小果冻。个人喜欢冷饮,冰冰凉凉,每一口都带来味蕾上的两级冲击。在家随时都可以享受到。非常方便。